Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Arthur Bowen

He is as Albus Severus Potter in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Arthur's Biography

Arthur Bowen was born on April 14, 1998. He recently started off his acting career with his role as Albus Severus Potter in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two. Arthur got the role after casting agents came to his school looking for kids who looked the part of the characters they were casting. When Arthur auditioned he didn't even tell his parents! They found out after his mom got a letter in the mail asking him to be in London for the next round of auditions. After several more trips to London, and a photo session with Daniel Radcliffe, Arthur was given the part as Harry Potter's youngest son, Albus Severus Potter. Since the film debuted with record ticket sales Arthur has been getting a lot of praise for his performance as Albus Severus Potter. Arthur now has thousands of followers on Twitter and fans from all over the world who are eager to see what his next roles will be. 

Arthur Fact's !!

Name: Arthur Bowen
Birthday: April 14,1998
Hometown: Oxfordshire, England
Hobbies: Playing football for his school and local team. Listening to music, and spending time with family and friends.
Favorite Sport: Football (soccer to the Americans)
Favorite Football Team: Oxford United
Favorite Harry Potter Character: Snape
Filmography: Albus Severus Potter in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II 

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Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Ngga usah dibaca deh

Post ini ngga penting sama sekali
Aku sebel sama ayah aku ngga ngerti maksudnya apa mana aku lagi betmut banget jadi makin bete kan Ah ya gitu deh pokonya
Ngga penting kan
Tapi makasih deh udah baca ;)

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Resolution grade 11

Maksa ngga sih aku harus bikin resolusi gini ? Make a change !!

Alhamdulillah naik kelas bersyukur masuk IPA yang itu artinya aku harus ekstra belajarnya. Ngga mau nyesel sih. Sebenernya aku milih IPS di angket aku juga nulis IPS aku udah underestimate diri sendiri kalo nilai aku ngga akan cukup masuk IPA eh ternyata nilai aku cukup di IPA. Dan aku sempet kena penyakit anak jaman sekarang yaitu "galau" selama 2-3 hari dan baru kali ini aku merasakannya. Setelah penggalau-an dan nge-labil itu akhirnya aku memutuskan milih IPA. Ngga salah kan aku mau di IPA, mau ngubah cara belajar, dan mungkin dengan aku masuk IPA aku jadi lebih termotivasi dalam hal b e l a j a r.

Back to the topic.
Hm gimana yah aku belum pernah sebenernya bikin resolusi kaya gini. But I'll try :
1. Jadi rajin
2. Bisa ngejar ketertinggalan di IPA especially physics and mathematics
3. Nilai raport aku meningkat terus dari semester ke semester
4. Jalur undangan or PMDK pleaseeeee (´⌣`ʃƪ)

Yah ini se-engganya resolusi versi aku yah...

Hello !

Actually this is my second blog, the second blog I don't know where missing and I can't return it but let it be because this blog has been created hehehe. Okay, i'm just 16 years old girl with ordinary life but i love it because I'm surrounded by extraordinary people. Now I'm grade 11 in High School. Okay this is my short introduction I'm sorry if my english not good enough. Follow me on --->
Thank you for visited :)